Reflection of Mindset

Mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the progress. Your mindset influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. Positive mindset of people reflects the success of an organization.

Identifying how people think of an organization is the most important thing to make a great place to work.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Having negative mind people will leads HR for its growth by overcome the issues of negative staff.

    1. Recruitment process or the culture of an organization matters for the negative staff ?

  3. It is correct. Also, Shipra (2009) argued that "Great place to work makes great mind at work."

    1. Yes, great place to work is a very good tool to evaluate the real situation of an organization culture.

  4. Having a growth mindset means trusting that one can learn anything if sufficiently motivated. It means making an effort despite the risk of failure. And most importantly, it means knowing that making mistakes doesn’t mean that you’ve failed — it means that you have the chance to grow. (Sophie,2006)

    1. True, most important thing is people tend to go for innovation and find new ways which really help for the development of an organization.

  5. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the positive side of life and expects positive results.

    1. Yea Amila, positive mind create room for creativity and innovation which leads to open many new opportunities.

  6. positive mind is cuse to build creativity.Harvard Business Review says, is we can train our brain to be more focused and productive—by improving our emotional balance.

  7. Yes, It's very true Thilina. Because the mindset is the most powerful tool for any reflection either it may give good or bad results as I believe. therefore positive mindset makes many ideas in order to lead your objectives and goals.


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