Why HR need to identify issues in the work place and How to identify work place issues ?

Why we need to find out work place issues ?

It is for a great culture in an organization. 

What matters a great culture in an organization...?

Great culture create free mindset. When a person is happy he is having the freedom when they are free they are creative and innovative. This is the most important thing for an organization in the changing world. To be innovative and creative to find new ways of doing things, looking for new opportunities to develop the business/work process then the supervision and coaching will be limited and they are self motivated. 

How we can find the real issues in an organization. 

The best way is to do a third party survey....

There are some recognized places to do these kind of surveys. "Great place to work is one of them"

Survey can carried out mainly to find out employees perceptions of below mentioned areas. 

1. Compensation.

2. Management reliability.

3. Recognition

4. Communication.

5. Performance management and work environment.

Based on the outcome management can launch long term and short term plans to bring the organizational culture according to the organizational vision for a great work environment. 

Thilina Gunarathna
23rd December 2021


  1. “Theoretically, an open-plan office is a great format for a changeable work environment, a place where employees have a say over how they work and a place that can adapt to their needs and to the needs of the business” – Neil Blumenthal - Co-founder and co-CEO at Warby Parker

  2. Sometimes employees fight in silence.we will learn about the red flags that our employee has a problem with. Employees receive tips on how to talk to their managers about the challenges they are experiencing.

    1. Yes Amila,
      HR department involvement is critical when doing appraisals and performance evaluations. So the organization can mitigate the bad politics and misunderstandings.

  3. true this is a very good tool for identifying the issue. if this Given to find a solution must be outsourced to conduct a survey sometimes they might have hidden conflicts that aren't rising up immediately slowly will affect the organization culture so then and there to solve the issue if identified.

    1. Yes Vijendra, Company can do evaluations on their own but if really need to find the real issues and honestly need to change the culture, the best way is to go for a professional third party analysis. Employees confident also will be high because of the transparency.

  4. Correct Thilina, It should be retained that a human resources division acts as an interface between the employees and the company itself. Therefore, any issues relating to employment or quarrel should be channeled with HR to ensure fairness and a swift settlement. The key to dealing with usual requests lies in fast access to meaningful data. With the right HR system in place, organizations can quickly refer to the information that matters when a concern or issue is raised

  5. Agreed with you Thilina. Great place to work survey is the world’s best employee experience platform built on 30 years of research, proven to help you quantify your company culture, increase employee engagement and do the right thing for your business and people.

  6. Even the survey carried out management should implement solutions for the issues whether its minor or major.HR,Divisional heads and the top management are responsible for the success of the survey.

  7. In my point of view, I think we can manage almost every issues if we can recognize that other viewpoints are possible and likely. Because, Although we feel differently about the situation, the other person’s feelings are real and legitimate to them. Denying their existence is likely to escalate the situation. It is difficult to find solutions without agreement on the problem. If we do not understand the other person’s viewpoint, we run the risk of not solving the right problem which could make the conflict worse.


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